False Prophets

Question: Are there any Prophets whose prophecies were never fulfilled?


Yes; they are referred to in Jeremiah; and also chastised by Almighty God for prophesying falsely in His Name. There are many refs. to the false prophets, priests and scribes in the Book of Jeremiah; and to be particularly noticed is their fate eventually, examples: (Jer.14:14–16, 23:1–2–16–25–26–30–31–32; and many more)!

Jeremiah was especially chosen for his divine task (Jer.1:4 onwards)!

Almighty God takes a very serious view of false Prophets, and when the events of Revelation have unfolded, and the Millennial Reign of Christ is established, a person who attempts to Prophesy, will be put to death (Zech. 13:3)!

As we approach the end time events depicted in Scripture, we have to expect more Satanic activity as that shown in Genesis.  Men and women in the Pentecostal groups claim to speak for God, and it was noticeable by the writers that the larger percentage were/are female.  However, many of these groups are led by males with male oversight.  They say that the signs following that were shown in Acts, should be evident if a person is a true Christian.  These people require obedience to their will and statement, and claim that all who oppose them are of Satan, and that only they are right!  The fact is that the opposite is true, and more often than not they are the ones who are controlled by the great enemy of mankind and Almighty God, Satan!

>Prophecy in Scripture is nearly always related to God’s intentions regarding His people Israel.

>People who claim to speak for God Almighty in these times need to be handled very carefully.

>People who claim to have special powers such as was apparent in the early Acts, should be avoided, or if a person is able, they should be challenged!

>We have to remember that in the end time events as shown in Revelation, Satanic activity will increase!

>We should if at all possible be a member of a True Bible believing group.



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